Wednesday, August 22, 2012

School Days

Yesterday was my only nephew's first day at college.   He was pretty excited; his mom and dad were missing him even before they got back home from getting him settled in.  Ahhh, growing pains.....

His mom really wanted his dorm room to be something special since he'll be spending a lot of time there.   Tyler is a music major and plays several instruments, so, music had to be part of the theme for his room.   I volunteered to make him a quilt for his twin bed and just got it shipped off to him last week.  

A lot of the fabrics have musical instruments on them or musical notes on a scale.   He loves red, white and black and his sheets for his bed are grey, so, it was easy to come up with a theme for the quilt.   Large blocks of half square triangles made quick work of the main body of the quilt.   A wide red border helps to define the center area and set up the outside borders.

I was so excited when the idea came to me to make the side borders look like keys on a piano.   Black and white strips cut  at 2-1/2", then pieced together did the trick.  The quilting was mostly done on the diagonal to follow the lines of the triangles. 
And there you have it.....Tyler's college quilt.   Whew!   Glad I had the opportunity to make something special for a really great kid.

Good luck, Ty,
Aunt Debbie

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