Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Flippie Time

A friend of ours up at the river did me a favor and painted some lettering on a sign and we decided to barter our talents.   In exchange for her painting I embroidered some flip flops on a pair of her shorts and matching jacket.   This is what they look like.   It was a fun project for me and I hope she likes them.

I put small flips on the left side of her lapel and a clothesline of flips on each jacket cuff.
And to tie it all together, the shorts now have flips on each leg at the side vent.  

As I was embroidering the cuffs, I realized that because of the curve of the design, it would lend itself to being sewn on a visor.   Hmmmmm......maybe next time.   If you'd like to see the designs up close just "double click" with your mouse.

Flipping "Out",

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Ostrich, anyone?

I know, it's been a while since I've posted.....we always seem to have something going on here at our house.   My husband had a close medical scare and that has thrown our lives into a different (healthier? tee-hee) direction.   Maybe now we can get our lives back to normal, whatever that is.

Recently, our oldest son, Jarrad, bought a '78 Volkswagon van and is in the middle of restoring it.  The engine/mechanical work is pretty much finished, and now he gets to play with the cosmetic work.   That's where I came in......well, that's where I got dragged could say.   He asked if I could help him reupholster the car seats.   Ummmmm......I guess so.....ummmm, never did that before but we can try.

Off we go to Joann's Fabrics where he had seen this...
Yup, fake ostrich.   Pretty convincing, too!   So he picked out a companion fabric and we estimated our yardage, had it cut and drove home.   Yikes!  Now I have to DO something with this fabric.  Ok, breathe.  

He had already torn apart the seat covers so I could use them as a pattern.   Man, were they ever disgustingly filthy dirty.   I had grit all over my kitchen and dining room, but they worked pretty well as a pattern for the new covers.  

With just a little trial and error the new covers came together fairly easily.....surprisingly......amazingly....guess that wasn't so bad after all....  And, of course, thank goodness that Jarrad can take anything apart and put it back together again like he was simply making a piece of toast.  He man-handled the metal attachments for the seats and before I knew it, they were transformed into something pretty darned nice!

And here are the front seats installed.  Not too shabby, even if I do say so myself.   Now, if he could just put in some door side panels.  Giggle....
The kids even like riding back here.....they seem to have already claimed their space in the van.
Pretty danged fancy, if you ask me.....just another weekend at the Roberts' house.   Oh, well, Jarrad is really "stoked" as he likes to say. As every mom knows, when your kids are happy, mama is happy, right?

The End,