Monday, October 21, 2013

Star Wars Pillow

I wish I could tell you I was really clever and that I created this pillow out of my imagination, but, alas, that's not what happened.   When I was on Pinterest I saw this really cool pillow and my oldest grandson came to mind immediately as he loves anything that has to do with Star Wars.    When he was visiting I asked him to name the planets from the movie that he liked the most and he named some extras that weren't on the original pillow I saw on Pinterest so I included them for him.  

So I went thru my fabric stash and came up with wacky colors that I thought might be part of a Star Wars world and used Steam a Seam Lt. II on the back of the circles and adhered them to a white fabric base.  
And of course I used the Sashiko machine to stitch around the planets after writing the names of the planets in permanent ink. 
I especially like the fabric for Naboo as it looks to me as if it's a molten planet with shifting continents.   Hey, use your imagination!   It kinda looks like that, doesn't it?
This was a fun afternoon project and Jackson was really excited about getting a pillow to match his "brown" bedroom.    More decorating to come.......

May the Force Be With You,

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