Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Triathlon Quilt

There are so many runners who come to me with their prized t-shirts, all of which they acquired after running a marathon.   Some even run in the kind of race where you run and bike through a designated course.   And then there are those crazy (hey, there's no way I could finish one of these races!) folks who run, bike and swim their way to the finish line.   I am always amazed at the wide range of age, ability and motivation of the triathlon participants.

One of our family friends runs in these triathlons....and didn't even start until he was in his late 50's!  He recently brought some momentos of his contests and asked me to put them into a quilt.   Here is the result.
I took one of the pictures of him running the course and printed it on fabric so it could be included in the quilt next to the shirt from the same race.
Can you read the clock on the picture to the right?   Yes, he ran, biked and swam for 9 hours, 21 minutes and 51 seconds.   Oh.  My.  Goodness!   How did he do that???
He had removed the front portion of some baseball caps so I serged around them and stitched them down in one of the wide borders.
I was struggling with how to include 2 pieces of memorabilia.....the paper signs that each contestant is required to pin to the front of their shirts.   And then it occurred to me that I should mimic the race and I pinned it to the quilt in some open space.   It worked out perfectly!

Quilt On,

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