Monday, October 1, 2012

Pajama Monday

Hey, I think I just invented a new holiday........Pajama Monday!   Wouldn't you like that?   I know I do and that's exactly how I spent my my jammies..........sewing...........and drinking cappuccino.
I've been gradually making a mini-quilt for each month of the year and now have 7 done.   They hang from a cute metal holder that is up at the river and helps me remember what month it is!  ha!

I decided today was a great day to sew something for myself, as all my work for clients was completed.   It's so rare that I can spend an entire day sewing whatever I want to and I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it.   I even got to use my new toy, the Sashiko machine.   It's amazing how pretty the stitches are and how much they look like hand quilting.   

First I used a blanket stitch to go around all the letters in black thread, then I straight stitched around the acorn.   I used matching threads to "draw" veins on the leaves which held them in place on the quilt.   Then I used the Sashiko to outline everything.  Oooooooo, what fun!

So now I have October and November completed.  
Um, yeah, I still need to read the manual every time I put the bobbin in, and adjust some of the stitching.   But the more I use the machine, the more comfortable I am getting with it.  One thing I realized today, I need more bobbins.  That's on my list of things to buy this week.

I took the advice of the ceramic sign that sits on top of my sewing room tv.  Can't wait to do it again, maybe next Monday?

Finally dressed,

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