Thursday, October 4, 2012

Don't Look Now

Yup, Kellie at Don't Look Now in Melbourne, Australia is responsible for the monsters invading my sewing room over the last couple of weeks.   I saw her quilt pattern recently and it was one of those times that I had to buy it because it was so darn cute.  Our youngest grandson, Nathan, is going to be the recipient of this quilt and I'm anxious to complete it to see how it turns out.

But, OH, how many pieces it has!   Good grief, I think Kellie is a sewing masochist......there are so many circles and each one has to be cut out individually.......from different different increments of 1/8"!   Yikes!

You'll see what I mean as I unveil portions of the quilt over the next few weeks.  For now, here's a sneak peek at the monsters.
The shapes were traced onto Steam A Seam Light2, then ironed onto the back of the fabric.  Then the shapes are cut out on the drawn lines.
The shapes are put in place over the original pattern, which is underneath a piece of teflon pressing cloth so I can press the shapes together using the Steam A Seam as "glue".   The shapes can then be removed as a whole after they cool and placed wherever I need them and they don't stick to the teflon sheet.
The whole monster is then positioned over the colored circle and the pieces are zig zag stitched using matching thread.
Are you still with me?    These 12 monsters took me almost 2 days to cut, iron, stitch and encircle!   And, I'm just getting started!
The only thing left to do on all 12 is to stitch in their mouth shapes.  I think I'll use a narrow satin stitch for that, but first I have to draw on their smiles.
They're kinda cute little guys, don't you think?   Wait'll I show you what's next!  

Stay tuned,

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