Sunday, September 16, 2012

'Tis the Season.......Almost

I know, it seems like summer is still going strong and here I am bringing up Christmas.  But you know that if you are a crafter, and you intend to have completed, handmade presents under the Christmas tree, you had better get started pretty soon!

For myself, I embroidered a funky Florida-style tea towel for my kitchen.   Love the bright tropical colors and the font was fun, too.   Especially the flip flop for the "I" and the palm tree for the "R".  This embroidery was purchased from Embroidery Library online.

These towels were applique and I made them for our kitchen at the river.   They are a little more rustic and fit in there really well.   They are from Art to Heart by Nancy Halvorsen and the book was "Peppermint and Holly Berries".   Really cute designs.   Nancy always does a nice job and I really like her easy to follow instructions.

And then there is the monthly mini-quilt that I made for up at the cabin.   I still have a few more months to complete so I have all 12, but at least now I am ready for Christmas up there!   This is another Nancy Halvorsen book entitled "Count on It".   You may have to "double click" on the pics to see the details like the hand stitching around the appliques.

More projects to come,

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