Friday, March 6, 2015

Out with the Old, In with the New

I have an old iron rack hanging on the wall of our kitchen and that's where I keep a portion of my rather large collection of aprons.   Some I've made over the years, some were gifts from friends and family and some I just had to buy when I spotted them in the store.
I store the majority of the aprons in a closet in the laundry room and switch them out with the seasons.   For February I hung my pink with red lips apron.   What else says Valentine's than rosy lips puckered up, ready for a kiss?
 Now that it's March, I traded out the lips for my St. Patty's Day apron.    I made both aprons a couple of years ago after finding the fabrics at one of my favorite fabric stores in Florida.   So how do you decorate for the seasons?


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