Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Just a Few More

Yes, I took some time out from canning to work on a few blocks last week. 
Here's #29, Economy (?), aptly named because it was so straight forward a block to make, I guess.
And #30 is End of Day...kinda like a modified pinwheel.
Then we have #31, Evening Star.   Ok, I can see that one.....I used kitty fabric for that block.   But I really like #32 named Farmer's Daughter.  What a pretty star!
Since yesterday was a holiday, I took some time to start something special and worked on an applique table runner for our new kitchen table.   I love the batik fabrics that are used for the flowers and leaves and it was such a fun process.  

First all the pieces get traced onto Steam A Seam and that gets finger pressed onto the reverse side of the batik.    Then the fabric gets cut out on the traced lines and you are left with a perfect shape, ready to press onto your background fabric.   It felt sooooo good to do something different from the Farmer's Wife blocks.   And this Edyta Sitar pattern is really pretty.
Now I need to stitch around all the pieces as this is raw edge applique.   Right now all the pieces are fused down after using Steam A Seam II Light.   Then all I have to do is layer the runner with batting and a backing and quilt it.   It will get a dark binding to finish off the whole project and I think the dark border will help it "pop" against our light table.   Can't wait to see it completed!   I'll show you pics when that happens.

Till then,

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