Friday, August 8, 2014

More Blocks, Yippee!

Ok, so I think I'm back in the swing of things again.  I actually made a few more blocks and even got around to taking pics of them.   And here they are....
Block #17 is called Cats and Mice....weird name....and I used puppy dog fabric for it before I realized the name.   And the block on the right, #18, is Century of Progress.   It was a brain teaser to piece together.   Whew!   I hope there aren't too many more like it in the quilt.
At least the next 2 blocks were much easier to piece.   Block #19 is called Checkerboard and I liked using all the polka dots in the dark squares.   Block #20 is an oldie but goodie called Churn Dash.   Now I'm beginning to get excited to see what all these squares are going to look like when they are put together in a quilt.  But, I'm a long way from that right now.   Hmmmm, only 91 more blocks to go! 

Chugging along,

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