Monday, August 27, 2012

Wrapping a Present

How do you wrap a present for a fellow quilter?   With fabric, of course!   This summer I sent a package to Barb in Alabama and wrapped it in her favorite colored fabric, lavender.  Well, it's one of her favorite colors.   Here's what it looked like.  

When she unwrapped her gift, instead of throwing away the wrapping paper she had a yard of fabric to add to her stash!   Even the bow and fabric "flower" can be reused.  

I wonder how she'll use them..........

1 comment:

  1. I LOVED the wrapping!!! It added to the present. The fabric is folded and added to my stash for down the road when I need a really pretty piece of purple fabric...probably in a quilt top. Thank you Debbie!!! Wish all my presents came in fabric!
