Saturday, February 7, 2015

Farmer's Wife....Again

Well, this last week I went to a quilt retreat an hour north of our farm.   There were 7 of us stitching away....and then we ate....and stitched some more....and ate again.....and drank cappuccino....and sewed again! 

I had loads of fun and even made a few new friends.   One of the projects I worked on was....whatta ya think?   Yup, THE Farmer's Wife Quilt.

Above is block #36....Flower Garden Path.  I can see that, can't you?   Then I skipped around to block #39.   Umm, yeah, I have decided to make a twin sized quilt instead of the queen.   Now I only need 83 blocks instead of 111.   But I still have a ways to go.   So, back to the blocks.   The one of the right is called Friendship.
And then, #40 on the left is called Friendship Block.  Hmmmm, what makes it different from #39?  Just a little more "jazz" going on the background, I guess.   On the right is #41, Friendship Star.    Are you starting to see a pattern here???
#42 is Fruit Basket and on the right is #44....yes, I skipped a really tough block again.  Don't make fun of me!   #44 is called Gentleman's Fancy. 

So, there you have it.   What you see above represents hours of cutting, piecing and ironing.   Geesh!   Only several dozen more blocks to go.

Working my way thru it,

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