Sunday, January 18, 2015

Penant Day

While I was in Florida recently I spent some time with our two oldest grandchildren.   One of the things we discussed were their new bedrooms.   Of course, I love to sew something for them to help make each bedroom personalized.   We came up with the idea of making penants for each of their rooms.   And this is what I made once I came back home to my new studio.  
For Jackson, I cut out rectangles from our old atlas using the state of Florida with names of towns and cities Jack would recognize.  Then I stitched brown twine to the tops of the rectangles and attached the cutest little clothespins to the banner.  

I glued his name on individual corrugated cardboard tags and attached each one to the Florida rectangles.   Not too bad, even if I do say so myself.  I hope he likes it!   I wish I had some flag or travel fabric, but, the next best thing for my sports minded grandson is the fabric I found in my stash that covers all things sports.   Now he has another pillowcase from Grammy.....this one will see him through soccer season, baseball season and football season.

Now, on to Sydney.   Her room has teal walls and lime green accents.
I found this fabric while I was in Florida and brought in the orangey-peachy accents.   Her penants are raw edged fabric but in a triangle with heavy white denim heart shapes I spritzed with fabric paint in teal.  Before spraying with the paint I laid her name's letters over the hearts and then removed them to create a negative image of the letter.   Then I used soft teal ric-rac to sew the triangles together.  Done!   Her pillowcase uses the same orangey fabric in the narrow contrast band, soft teal hem and adorable bird fabric in lime and teal for the main part of the pillowcase.

Ok, that's what I sewed this week as a quick project.   Sorry to have been gone for so long......I'll try and post more often again,

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