Saturday, March 29, 2014

Farmer's Wife Quilt; The Basket Blocks

Ok, so far, so good.   Blocks 3 & 4 are completed and I love the way they are turning out.    Each block for the quilt has different templates that need to be traced and then cut out of template plastic.  After that, choosing the perfect fabric for each block is so much fun for me.   These blocks take a bit of time to put together, despite the fact that they are only 6-1/2" square.

Here are blocks number 3 & 4:

The block on the left is simply called a Basket block, and the one on the right is called Basket Weave.  The handle on the Basket needed to be hand appliqued in place using a narrow bias strip of fabric, which was actually fun to do.   Sometimes it's nice to sit still and do a little hand sewing.

Stay tuned for more,

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